Sunday, April 21, 2013

New Kind of Hat Grows Hair

New Kind of Hat
Worn 10 Minutes a Day
Grows Hair
in 30 Days
- or No Cost

No matter how thin your hair may be this remarkable new scientific invention is absolutely guaranteed to give you a brand new growth of hair in 30 days or it costs you nothing.  Don't send a cent.  Just mail coupon below.

Founder of Famous Merke Institute, Fifth Ave., N. Y.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Late, Great, Jonathan Winters

Jonathan Harshman Winters, III    1925 - 2013
Jonathan Winters passed away of natural causes at his Montecito, California home at 6:45 p.m. PDT on April 11, 2013, surrounded by family and friends.

Thank you for the laughs.

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